Speaking of pigs, Rosie O'Donnell took a break from shoving Twinkies into her pie hole to say make fun of the Chinese language. While talking about Danny DeVito's drunken appearance on "The View," she says:
"The fact is that it's news all over the world. That you know, you can imagine in China it's like: 'Ching chong … ching chong. Danny DeVito, ching chong, chong, chong, chong. Drunk. 'The View.' Ching chong."
As an American woman of Chinese descent, I'd like to say:
1) No one in China gives a rat's ass about Danny DeVito. They don't even know who he is 'cause he's a washed up wannabe who obviously thought that being drunk on live TV made him exciting, when it was just stoopid.
2) Rosie, you need to get off your liberal high horse and just apologize. Don't be a hypocrite by saying you didn't mean to mock anyone. Just 'cause you're an ignorant slob who can 't speak or understand more than one language doesn't mean that there aren't some choice Chinese words I'm sure a billion people have for you. Then again, you're just as lame as Danny DeVito, so I'm sure they don't give a rat's ass about you either.
Anyhow, I wasn't so upset when I first saw the clip, but the fact that she won't apologize pisses me off. 'Nuff said.
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